Supplant your opponent from the game array!
The game aims on occupating as much fields of the array and supplanting as much fields the opponent has occupated, as possible. That happens as follows:
At the beginning, each player has two fields. In each game step, the players can occupate a free field, where this field has to close with any other field the player occupated already a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of the opponent´s fields. The closed fields occupated by the opponent get transformed into own fields then, and if there are more than one such lines, all according fields get transformed.
The winner is, who has occupated the most fields yet, if the one is at move who can´t occupate a field any more.
Strategon can be played in the versions Human vs. Human, Human vs. Calculator, and, what is most of all interesting, also Calculator vs. Calculator.
Copyright (C) 2004 by Marco Kaufmann