This is my first Add-In game for AFX series!
I don't want to say much, the complete game description you can find below. Just a few words:
- Real time 3D Game for Casio AFX series
- This game participated at the UCF Programming Contest 2004
and made the
1st Place 
- Uses high speed AfxGfxB graphics engine, written in Assembler (thus, routines taking the main computing power are very optimized)
- Framerates speed up to 12.5FPs (limited to 12.5 FPS to get them stable around 11/12 FPs depending on the level's complexity).
- 30 cool levels with different gravity forces
- Special highlight: this game comes with a LEVELEDITOR! Yeah, you may create your own level sets (on the AFX directly, as the editor is an Add-In itself) and install them onto the flash. Note: I'm always pleased when someone sends me a new level set

- Build-In tool shows the current framerate
- The game uses 3 Colors Mode (+ Dithering -> 5 colors simulated), supports Page Flipping (to prevent flickering, also known as "double buffering") and 3D Detail Level selection (increasing / decreasing detail levels cause decreasing / increasing framerates)
- And last but not least: I claim, that this is the first game for Casio AFX series EVER that was completely created with Turbo Pascal

I want to
SkyRoads also is available at the
UCF File Sharing
Copyright (C) 2005 by Marco Kaufmann