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Unmine the fields!

Minesweeper Screenshot 1/1

This game should be known already from the PC (M$ really achieved excreting a program WITHOUT bugs: the legendary Windows "Minesweeper" TM). Now there is Mineswweper also for the Casio CFX 9850G - without bugs too, of course.

The player has to unmine a field of 10 by 10 squares, without stepping on a mine by this. The number of mines varies with the difficulty level (1 = easiest level, 10 = hardest). The number appearing in a square by pressing [EXE] determines the number of mines adjoining (if a mine appears in steat of, the game is over).

You won the game, when only closed fields with mines are left.

Download the CAT file (1.724 Bytes)

Copyright (C) 2004 by Marco Kaufmann