- www.pageofmarco.de
- cfx.pageofmarco.de
My AFX site is just an insulated subsection of my entire homepage where you find my games & programs for Casio CFX series and PC, a big CFX hacking section and lots of joky stuff in the Fun section. Subdomain cfx refers directly into CFX section.
Universal Casio Network
- Universal Casio Forum
Plainly THE international Forum dedicated to all kinds of Casio calculators
- Universal Casio File Sharing
Universal Casio File Sharing Area - world's biggest archive providing ressources for Casio graphical calculators (CFX, AFX, Classpad). You can find tons of games and programs (Add In, Basic, MLC), Add In libraries/moduls and calc related PC tools there.
- Universal Casio Link List
An international link list of sites dedicated to Casio graphical calculators
Other AFX related sites
- Algebra FX 2.0
Mohamed's site about the Algebra FX 2.0. Lots of usefull tools, most important documentations (including Oliver Coupelon's Programming Guide) as well as some good games are to find there.
- 2072 Productions
Here you get programs and games written in Basic and Add Ins made by 2072 (John Wellesz). There are also other ressources such moduls and libraries (e.g. you get the newest version of his Memzones library there) and a big link list.
A site about Algebra FX 2.0 by 4nic8, who implemented MLC interpreter for Algebra FX series. You can find various information about the calc & how to program it here as well as lots of 4nic8's programs (e.g. TankWar, Thunder, Universal Font Editor and others).
- Epic Programming Studios
A unique group of Casio and TI coders who created MLC language. Here you get latest MLC versions for TI and Casio calcs, screenshots, documentation and there's even a forum.
It's the largest German speaking Casio forum dealing with all kinds of Casio Calculators.
- Martin Poupe
Though not dealing with AFX stuff, a very interesting site I'd like to link here. He made a CFX executing assembly code written by his own by replacing the ROM chip containing the calc's OS. He's the one and only who ever did that.
Assembler related
Manufacturer of the NEC V30. The manual about this CPU you're capable to get there might be usefull for you 
Copyright (C) 2005 by Marco Kaufmann